Dewatering Technology

Dewatering with M-Tubes

M-tubes are containers or units made of engineered geotextiles (polypropylene). They provide a high-volume and low-cost means of dewatering contaminated wastewater or sludge. The M-tubes are made of high-strength permeable geotextiles. M-tubes come in custom sizes and are efficient, versatile, and reliable under any weather conditions. They have operational safety, are cost-effective, and low-maintenance. Most significantly, they are environmentally friendly, reducing the carbon footprint.

Dewatering is achieved using M-tube containment technology to remove water from solid or semi-solid material including soil. In wastewater treatment, it involves the removal of liquid from the sludge/slurry. M-tube dewatering technology is used for projects large and small, because of its simplicity and low cost. Power plants, refineries, wastewater treatment plants, industrial waste, municipal sludge, nuclear plants, and hazardous contaminants all deploy the dewatering technique.

Dewatering of sludge with M-tubes is a three-step process:


Sludge (slurry material) is pumped into theM-tube container. Environmentally-safe polymers are added to the sludge, which makes the solids bind together and water separate. The M-tube container's unique fabric confines the fine grains of the material.


Clear effluent water simply drains from the M-tube container through the small pores in the specially engineered textile. This results in effective dewatering and efficient volume reduction of the contained materials. The volume reduction allows for repeated filling of the M-tubecontainer. Over 99% of solids are captured, and clear filtrate can be collected and recirculated through the system. The decanted water is often of a quality that can be reused/returned for processing or returned to native waterways without additional treatment.


After the final cycle of filling and dewatering, the solids remain in the bag and continue to densify due to desiccation as residual water vapor escapes through the fabric. Volume reduction can be as high as 90 percent. When full, the M-tube container and contents can be deposited at a landfill, and remain on-site, or the solids can be removed and land-applied when appropriate.

Advantages of Dewatering Technology

We would like to share some of the advantages of Dewatering Technology that will be beneficial for the environment -

  • The Nalas can get cleaned without actually diverting Nalas into major water bodies.
  • The advantage is the disposal of sludge without any environmental hazards involved in it.
  • Additionally, the Alo-Green technology is far more improvised than the conventional STPs, as the STPs depend on the anaerobic digestion of sludge. It is a known fact that a little change in pH will drastically reduce the population of these beneficial anaerobic bacteria.
  • Moreover, the process of cleaning wastewater through STPs takes around 4 - 5 days. This process is not at all viable for continuous flowing nalas. If the waste content is more, the process of cleaning through STPs is highly impossible. On the other hand, our technology is designed for dailyCleaning of running Inlet nalas. This cleaning of Wastewater inlets is a continuous process.
  • In addition to this, Alo-Green technology is the low-cost and daily cleaning of the wastewater.
  • Our technology is simple, sustainable, and ecological.

The Dewatering Bags Will Be Further Used For Lake Beautification